Christ is risen! In this Easter season we are launching the first "Beatitudes Blurb", a short, monthly “blurb” on some aspect of our life, spirituality and apostolate. The aim is to give you a snapshot of our life, a glimpse of what’s coming up, and propose ways you can be involved.
With this first blurb, I wish to say a big 'THANK YOU' from the depths of my heart to each one of you personally, for being with us in this great adventure with the Lord. Our numbers have grown in recent months with the arrival of Frs. Pierre Marie and Isaiah from France, and Sr Rosa Maria from Mexico. May their time here be blessed! I give thanks especially for my time in New Zealand these past nine years.
My mandate as Co-ordinator will end in June and I will be returning to France to take up another call, and to be closer to my ninety-five year old mother. I will be replaced as Co-ordinator by Sr Clare as of 1st July. New Zealand will always remain close to my heart and I hope I may return, in God's time. May God bless you all!
You are invited to Sr Thérèse's farewell.Join us on Saturday 6th May for a Mass of Thanksgiving at 12pm, followed by potluck lunch.
In lieu of presents, you may wish to contribute to a farewell gift that will go towards the costs of her sabbatical. Just add the reference “Sr T” when you donate (below).
Recent Events: The final profession of Sr Monica Tauiliili CB
Sr Monica made her perpetual profession on 25th March at St Mary's Pro-Cathedral. The vows were received by Sr Theresia Schuschnigg, the regional superior of the Sisters’ branch. Our newly professed sister is now called Sr Giovanna Maria of the Holy Eucharist.
Testimonials: What was it like to experience the final profession of a sister?
Sarah Alexander (aged 13): “What we witnessed was not just ritual vows, but a wedding! Sister Monica gave herself wholeheartedly in love to her spouse, Jesus. It was so beautiful because she gave herself with a willing and sacrificial love, even though she knew there would be hard times.”
Thomas Alexander (aged 15): “She is a great example of the beauty of giving oneself willingly and generously to service of the Lord and his Church through religious orders. We pray that Christ's love will shine through her and inspire others to follow Jesus.”
Zoë Light (aged 13): “It was amazing! The singing was beautiful and the vows were so inspiring!”
Coming up.... An afternoon with St Peter Chanel - protomartyr of Oceania
We will celebrate the feast of St Peter Chanel on the 29th April starting with Mass at 12pm, followed by a procession with the icon of the saint and shared feastive lunch! Bring the whole family!