10x more people in the Sardinian Blue Zone live to be 100 years old.
What's their secret?
- Eating locally produced food + in season garden vegetables.
- Moving more throughout their life (there is mountainous necessity).
Nutrition and Activity.All aided and abetted by
- Strong, family-centred communities and
- A low-stress, relaxing lifestyle.
..and 10x as many people live to be 100. Our ‘modern’ society has in many ways moved in the opposite direction.
We eat less ‘locally produced food’,
Move about less and live higher stress lives.
If we want to live long, we need policies that nudge our artificial system back towards the Blue Zone.
And the same goes for healthy hips & knees...
More Blue Zone.. to do more with less pain.So,
last week our hips & knees nudged us to seek out and vote for:
- Better Public Health to support those who are overweight or obese.
- A National Food Strategy to tax the bad and support the good.
- More education and healthy school meals.
- Less junk food advertising on TV and online.
This week let's look at..
Activity Get it right and our hips and knees will thank us.
I saw this 69 year old woman back in clinic the other week...