Colorado faces several major challenges, including rising crime and illegal drug use, soaring local property taxes, homelessness and questions about the quality of our kids’ education.
Instead of facing these issues head on — which is hard work — our legislature has instead introduced irresponsible bills that either worsen these challenges or create entirely new problems on their own.
As the Legislature passed the one-third mark in its 120-day session, Advance Colorado Executive Vice President Kristi Burton Brown compiled “Top-5 List of Losing Legislation.”
- Giving criminals a $3,000 cash payment when they get out of jail
- A requirement to register and tax your pet
- Empowering government to censor online “misinformation and disinformation"
- Shutting citizens out of legislative meetings
- Quadrupling taxes and targeting TABOR
These are just five bills that would push Colorado sharply away from our 150-year pioneer tradition of common-sense, open and limited government.
And they aren’t even halfway through the legislative session
Read Kristi’s entire piece HERE.