Hi everyone,
From the ages of 15 - 25 I taught kids to swim on Saturday mornings at my uncles swimming school. He had a unique approach to teaching swimming. No kick boards, no floaties or flippers. His techniques were based on yoga, ballet and pilates. Everything was focused on kids having a positive relationship with the water, developed as much as possible through play and intuitive exploration.
However, pools are prisons. Rectangle boxes with straight black lines encouraging people to stay in their lane. They are not the kind of environment that anyone should learn to swim in, but we make do.
I always dreamt of starting a learn-to-swim company than built pools that were all kinds of organic shapes and had interchangeable pieces on the bottom like rings and weeds and rocks so you could modify the environment constantly. An idea I’ll look at in another life.
Mike Hewson (
Instagram) is a Kiwi playground designer. Or something. An artist who makes objects and things for people to play on in public spaces.
I’ve met Mike once, at a bar in Melbourne while he was having a drink with my friend. He went to the bathroom, and my friend was like, “follow this guy - he’s insane.”
And he is.
His latest IG post prompted me to finally include him in the newsletter.
I love seeing photos of his projects, but the best thing is to actually read the comments from concerned parents.
His work looks like it’s dangerous for kids to play on. But that’s actually his genius. He makes things that looks scary and crazy but are actually so safe and well designed and considered.
Kids flock to his projects. Adults do too.
Mike, if you read this, let’s make underwater playgrounds for kids.
Some photos of Mikes works and this weeks links below.
Have a good weekend.
Nick x