Three Rules For Successful Bear Market Investing (4 min read)
Although the S&P 500 has dropped more than 24% this year, it is still positive if you look at it from a longer period. It went up 16% from December 2019, 41% from December 2018, and 164% from December 2009. The point is to adopt a bigger picture perspective and reflect on how well your portfolio has done in the past five or ten years instead of focusing on recent downfalls. Avoid checking your portfolio too frequently in a bear market as it will make you more anxious and lose focus of your long-term investing goal. Reviewing quarterly or semi-annually should be sufficient. It is also impossible to predict market tops and bottoms so the best strategy is to focus on the longer term and keep buying regardless how the market performs. Broaden your perspective, don’t look at your portfolio, and keep putting money into the market can help you through a bear market.