Invitation into a magical working...
This year, we are working with the story of the Dark Forest.
The Dark Forest Calls… Can you hear it?
Just on the other side of that river, that ditch, that field — cast in moonlight, the Dark Forest beckons. What do you sense from it?
We invite you to listen. To sit at the edge of the Dark Forest and hear its call. Don’t enter yet. Simply listen.
What is the Dark Forest whispering?
We’ve been listening to the Dark Forest. Our Coven of Organisers stood at the edge, feeling its vibration, breathing in its scent. We invite you to do the same.
As the entry to our magical working, we invite you to listen to the Dark Forest during the coming weeks. You might start by acknowledging the sovereign lands you are within, acknowledging the waterways nearby, grounding, aligning, casting a circle or opening the crossroads. You might conjure the image of the Dark Forest, you might record yourself reading lines of the Story and descriptions of the Dark Forest, you might put on a recording of drum music, you might rock or sway or dance or draw or write as you feel the Dark Forest alive before you.
Share your experience — perhaps with a friend, your Coven, or with others in the WorldWide WitchCamp community, such as on our Facebook Event Page.
Wild blessings,
Silen (your Outreach Witch)
on behalf of the WorldWide WitchCamp Organising Team