E + R = O. Event + Response = Outcome. I ran across this equation several years ago, and I continually return to it. It’s not solely the Event that determines the Outcome, it’s how we Respond to it. I particularly like the use of the word response instead of reaction. Responding requires self-awareness and a decision, while reactions are reflexive and counterproductive. An emotional reaction literally changes your body. It releases a hormonal flood that affects your fine motor control and decision-making. Worse, it will take a good 15-20 minutes before your body returns to a normal state. By then, you’ve made a mess of your performance.
Instead of reacting, let’s respond. Focusing on the response returns focus to the controllable. The event has happened; there’s nothing that can be changed about it. The response, on the other hand, is totally within our control, and it is a conscious choice. It positions us to bounce back from a bad play or a bad break, and creates a rebound mindset. Not only that, you are physically and mentally prepared for the rest of the competition. So the next time you get a bad break, choose your response.