My family and I traveled to Wichita to see family, and while it might not be the most exotic locale, our time in Wichita has provided some good reminders.
1. Slow is not bad. Between walks around the lake, paddle boarding at sunset, farmers markets, or the inevitable waiting that comes with having 16 family members in one place, the pace has definitely been slower. Although American culture values speed, slowing down provides the necessary time for thought and reflection. Finding some time in your day to go slowly might just be the most productive part of the day.
2. Green is good. Living in the Mojave desert and the city of Las Vegas can provide a rather drab visual. Brown and gray tend to be the dominant colors. Wichita, on the other hand, has been lush. Spending time in green spaces enhances cognitive function, reduces stress, promotes happiness, and boosts creativity and focus. Research shows that even an indoor plant or pictures of green spaces can provide these benefits, so go green.
3. Homegrown is best. My in-laws have a garden, and we've eaten abundantly from it. There's nothing like fresh tomatoes, squash, onions, and potatoes. Add in steaks from the family farm, and you have a literal farm-to-table meal. The cycle was completed when the scraps went to the compost pile. What's the lesson? Managing your inputs, cultivating growth - and pulling weeds - will pay off with a fruitful harvest. And even what you don't use can fertilize future growth.