If you have never experienced a 24 Hour Play Fest, it's time for to come out, get into the holiday spirit and watch once in a lifetime One-Act plays!
What is it all about? Our LHS Theatre Students will meet at LHS Stuver Auditorium on Friday, Feb 2 at 7 p.m. They will spend 24 hours breaking into five groups to work together and create unique 10-minute mini-plays for you to enjoy. Each group will have until 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb 3, to write a unique play, cast the show, create props, sets, and costumes, memorize lines, and direct the show. We invite you to join us at 6:30 p.m. to see student-created plays that will never happen again!
Experience the full talent of our LHS Students as they show us all what can be done in 24 hours with no budget!
Tickets are not required! We appreciate any donation possible but it is not required so feel comfortable coming for free.