Happy Thanksgiving! RMS PTSA is very thankful for all our amazing Grizzlies: our students, staff members, volunteers, and parents. No matter how you spend your time over the break, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
UPCOMING EVENTS AT A GLANCE November 24 Wednesday - Half Day Before Thanksgiving November 25 & November 26 - No School for Thanksgiving HolidayNovember 29 Monday - School Resumes November 30 Tuesday - Last Day for PTSA Robotics Club Registration (link) November 30 Tuesday - Donuts with Dana, 7 PM December 8 Wednesday - PTSA Drama Parent Info Meeting, 7 PM December 10 Friday - Last Day for PTSA Spelling Bee Registration (link) December 12 Sunday - PTSA Gift Wrapping Event, 10 AM-2 PM December 20 to December 31 - Winter BreakJanuary 3 Monday - School Resumes
No Bear Tracks this Sunday
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, this edition of Bear Tracks has been published a few days early. The Bear Tracks Newsletter will be taking a break next Sunday and there will not be a newsletter. The next newsletter will be published in December. We hope you have a great Thanksgiving and feel free to send any comments and questions to beartracks@rmsptsa.org.
Get Your Gifts Wrapped by RMS PTSA!
| RMS Drama "Wizard of Oz" Parent Meeting
Is your student itching to be on stage? Our PTSA sponsored production of "Wizard of Oz" (adaptation by Gillian Jorgensen) is just around the corner! A MANDATORY parent information meeting will be held online on Wednesday, December 8 at 7:00 PM via Teams. Please join us to find out more about this exciting theatrical opportunity for our RMS students! If you have any questions, please see our page at https://rmsptsa.org/Page/Programs/Drama or email producers Cindy G. and Danielle K. at dramachair@rmsptsa.org.
Drama Mandatory Parent Meeting: Join Meeting Link
Save the Date: Donuts with Dana, Nov 30
Save the Date! RMS PTSA presents "Donuts with Dana", a monthly, 30-minute virtual meeting with Principal Dana Greenberg, usually on the last Tuesday of the month, alternating between morning and evening times. Parents can chat with the principal, and other parents, about various school topics from the leisure of your own home. Bring your own donuts!Donuts with Dana: Tuesday, November 30Time: 7:00-7:30 PMMicrosoft Teams Meeting: Join the Meeting
Thank You! You Helped Raise $700!
Thank you RMS community, for your support with our Chipotle fundraiser event. You helped raise a whopping $700 for the students at RMS! Funds raised helps fund programs like Pantry Packs, Classroom and Staff Grants, Scholarships, Staff Appreciation and more!
Recommend Someone to PTSA! (Repeat)
Yes, the Nominating Committee is starting early this year and we have already opened our process for 2022-2023 Nominations! The RMS PTSA is looking for volunteers interested in a Board or chairperson position for the next school year. If you or someone you know has a passion for kids and the programs that help them succeed, please consider submitting a recommendation. No experience is necessary! It's easy, quick, and confidential! Recommendation Submission Form
Last Chance for Yearbooks Last chance to purchase an RMS yearbook! Deadline to order is Friday, December 10. If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook, please log into https://payments.lwsd.org. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Johnson at robjohnson@lwsd.org or Ms. Poblete at spoblete@lwsd.org. Cost is $40. *Please note that the yearbook sale is a school program and not run by the PTSA.RMS Lost and FoundPlease remind your students to claim lost items, such as coats, water bottles, and lunch bags which are collected in the cafeteria or in the P.E. locker rooms. Unclaimed items will be donated on December 1.Clubs at RMSClubs at RMS are student created and run. All ASB card-carrying students are eligible to participate in school clubs. To get involved with an existing club, reach out to the faculty advisor. If you have an idea for a new club, email ASB Advisor, Kass Morris at kamorris@lwsd.org for information on how to get started!
Thanksgiving Vacation & Bell Schedule
| LWPTSA Scholarship Auction
Community members are invited to support the LWPTSA online scholarship auction. The auction will go live at 5 AM on Monday, November 22 and bidding will close at 8 pm on Friday, December 3. The proceeds fund scholarships for LWSD graduating seniors and continuing education scholarships for staff. Browse and bid on over 50 auction experiences or make a direct donation to our scholarship fund. Support our students and get some holiday shopping done at the same time! Learn More
Advocate Directly with State Legislators
| The WSPTA virtual Legislative Assembly was held on the weekend of October 23 & 24. Every year WSPTA adopts resolutions after discussions during the assembly that ultimately guides the legislative priorities for the upcoming session. Any PTA member can submit a resolution and is encouraged to do so. This year, three new resolutions and two amended resolutions were approved:
Improving Literacy & Educational Outcomes | Increasing Access & Affordability of Post-Secondary Education | Improving Outcomes for Children & Youth in Highly Mobile Populations | School Construction Bond Reform | Student Assessments & Testing
Members can advocate directly with their legislators on the above issues and the process can take less than 2 minutes! Here’s how YOU CAN DO IT - Sign up and get action alerts through the legislative session. Messages are pre-loaded and you can choose to edit if you desire or send it as is. It is as easy and effective as that! Feel free to email advocacy@rmsptsa.org if you have any questions. | | Adopt Your Storm Drain! Redmond has launched Adopt-a-Drain, an exciting program inviting the community to adopt a storm drain near them and keep it clear of debris. Adopt a drain as a family, or with neighbors and friends and give it a fun name! View drains near you and sign up today: https://wa.adopt-a-drain.org. Take the Climate Action ChallengeRedmond’s Climate Action Challenge makes it easy and fun to watch your carbon footprint decrease as you make simple changes at home. Sign up to take the challenge and select the actions specific to your daily routines. https://redmondclimatechallenge.org/
View Senior and Community Center Visuals See how the new Redmond Senior & Community Center will look both inside and outside on the project's refreshed website. https://redmondcommunitycenter.org/Free Sandbags AvailableThe stormy season is here and heavy rains may lead to localized flooding. King County provides sandbag materials to the public free of charge from 7 AM - 4 PM every Mon–Fri at Marymoor Park. The program is held in parking lot G and is self-service. Empty sandbags and sand are provided and are limited to 25 sandbags per vehicle.Keep F.O.G out of DrainsAs we get busy cooking our holiday meals, it’s a good time to remember that FOG – fats, oils, and grease - should never be poured down the drain. When FOG cools, it congeals and clogs the pipes, which can lead to sewer overflows in your home. What to do with FOG instead? Cool it, can it, and trash it or drop it off at the cooking oil collection tank located at 8703 160th Ave NE, Redmond. Learn more by using the Redmond "What Goes Where Tool". | Free Youth mental Health First Aid Training November 30 & December 1, 9:30 AM. King County MIDD through Valley Cities is providing a fantastic opportunity to parents in LWSD to take a virtual Youth Mental Health First Aid training for FREE! View Flyer | Zoom RegistrationBalance in Mind: Parent Chat Wednesdays, 7:00 PM. Experts in youth mental wellness with topics such as anxiety, depression, social media and more. View Flyer
(Repeat) Rainbow Teen Advisory Board LBTQ+ youth and allies, online, drop-in with other teens in 6th-12th grades. Chat, play online games and host guest speakers. View Flyer | |
Bear Tracks Newsletter is produced by RMS PTSA as a benefit to the Redmond Middle School Community. Bear Tracks is edited by Neeta C. Please submit articles via the Bear Tracks Online Submission Form. Articles are due on Thursdays, by 5:00 PM for publication the following Sundays. If you have any questions, please email beartracks@rmsptsa.org. | You received this email because you are part of the Redmond Middle School Community. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Redmond Middle School PTSA 2.8.80 10055 166TH AVE NE, Redmond, WA, 98052, United States of America | |