Oh, damn, where to start with this month's update! There's a lot to report, so settle in.
First of all, a complaint: I can't believe it's June in a few short days. May has gone incredibly quickly, and to be perfectly transparent, I didn't think I'd have another monthly email to write already. It's sneaked up on me. I'm usually prepared in advance, but this time, I'm writing most of it
today - the day it goes out. If you open it as soon as you get it, assume I was still typing away at it half an hour ago.
The writing sprint is going great, <<First Name>>! Yesterday was Day 44. I'm hoping to push the total word count over 50k today, on Day 45. At this rate I'll have over 100k words written when I reach the final day, and that feels amazing!
The Voodoo trilogy, which is my only project this sprint, is flourishing and evolving beautifully. I think you'll love this one - I certainly do! I... kinda thing it's my strongest series to date, but don't let Esta hear that.
She can't complain, anyway, because
I'll be hitting the First Big Edit of Esta's third book this June. Edits begin on Monday, and I have a feeling I'll fly through them. My alpha readers loved it, and my plan is to do my own self-edits first, followed by me going over their feedback. The only problem with this is that I'll want to plot Esta 4 right after, but I don't have time for that yet. I have a trilogy to finish first.
Last week I let y'all know that
I'm recruiting for my new (and hopefully improved) street team, and I'm really,
really grateful for the people who have signed up. I'll continue to build my team over time, and can now confirm that I'm running two separate groups: one street team on Facebook, one on Discord. That way, if you're interested, you can join on the platform you prefer.
And speaking of the street team... the above image of
Blood of the Dragon is just the kind of graphic I provide for my street team Sparrows to share ;)
Of course, with so many things going smoothly, it's not entirely unexpected that
some things aren't going as well as I hoped, namely my other audiobooks. I won't go into details, but please know that neither I nor my narrators have forgotten, and we'll get the audio versions of
A Dream of Death and Magic and
Blood Song to you as soon as we can.
I ask that you're patient a little bit longer with
the new cover for A Dream of Death and Magic, too. My designer has done a beautiful job, and I promise these new covers are coming. They are absolutely worth the wait.
But let's leave on a high, shall we? HAPPY (early) PRIDE MONTH! Expect some offers throughout June. More on that next week ;)