Dear Friends, The usual email service we were using has recently increased its price. If you notice that this email looks different please do not be alarmed! (We have tried our best to keep to the same format as per the last software we used.) To ensure you are receiving an email from Bayside Catholic Mission and not from spam please check the following:
Our emails will always have the Bayside Catholic Mission Header/Logo at the top and we will always try to communicate what is going on in the Bayside Catholic Mission.
The email we send from will never have any numbers or symbols in it.
We will never ask for discreet favours or demand money from you - our invitation to donate links will always link to the Bayside Catholic Mission website and go through CDF
All of our links are to the Bayside Catholic Mission website or to articles from reputable Catholic news websites such as Melbourne Catholic or Catholic Weekly.
If your email is missing the usual information (such as images) please see your email service instructions to allow viewing of images, and trusting the sender.
If you are concerned that you have received an email which looks suspicious using our names and you are not sure if it is from us - please do not click on any links in that email and contact us via and we will confirm with you if the email is genuine or not.
Meditation Group In Lent In Lent we also have a meditation group on Mondays at 10am in the Bayside Catholic MIssion office. You can join this group by simply turning up on Mondays to pray!
Melinda Tankard Reist: speaking up for women and children
Melinda Tankard Reist—activist, speaker and founder of Collective Shout—is driven by deep concern for the women, children and men she advocates for, and by a tenacious sense of hope.