Dear <<First Name>>,
Greetings from INZBC!
I trust you and your family are well. International travel has finally opened up, and with restrictions easing slowly but surely, we can all look forward to resume a normal business and social life in the near future.
We are thrilled to announce our latest strategic partnership with Bank of New Zealand. We thank the team at BNZ for their confidence and faith in us, and look forward to a successful work relationship. We would also like to thank our other new partners, Zespri, New Zealand Airline Academy and MartinJenkins.
We recently had the honour of partnering with The Indian High Commission and Wellington Chamber of Commerce, to organise a panel discussion on 'Women in Business' - New horizons and old challenges. This virtual event saw some very amazing, successful women share their inspiring stories and supporting others in their journey. Below are the videos and highlights of the event.
In this newsletter, we have also shared the video from our last online event on India's Budget highlights, and other industry news from India and New Zealand.
Thanks & Regards,
Earl Rattray Chair, INZBC
We would also like to welcome our other new partners to the INZBC family.
WOMEN IN BUSINESS: HIGHLIGHTS This virtual event was held on 29 March 2022. It focussed on women in business especially exploring opportunities and challenges facing women in a business environment.
We had a power packed panel at the event: H.E Muktesh Pardeshi - Indian High Commissioner to New ZealandEarl Rattray - Chair, INZBCSimon Arcus - Chief Executive, Wellington Chamber of Commerce
Teresa Tepania-Ashton, MNZM – Nga Puhi, Māori Women's Development Inc - MWDI
Anna Guenther - Women in Export Lead, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise
Jo Pennycuick – Founder, Redesign Group
Dr. Aarti Gupta - Chief Investment Officer at DBR Ventures, National Head FICCI FLO Start-up Cell
Rachael McGuckian – International Market Manager, IMEA region, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise
Moderated by Dr. Pushpa Wood ONZM Director, Massey Fin-Ed Centre | Wellington Chapter Head, INZBCDo watch the opening statements from the speakers in the video below:
There were some very interesting and informative statistics addressed during the event, which led to the speakers sharing their own personal professional stories and insights.Below is the video of Part 2 of the event:
Key highlights from the experts:
VIDEO OUT NOW INDIA BUDGET 2022: Perspectives on India's Budget 2022 Here's how you can benefit from the Union Budget of India according to our esteemed panel who shared their budget highlights and incentives for Make in India & Invest in India with us.
A panel discussion on India's Budget highlights & incentives for Make in India and Invest in India.
Panelist: HE Muktesh Pardeshi, High Commissioner of India in New Zealand
Sai Sudha Chandrasekaran, Senior AVP, Invest India Himanshu Srivastava, Partner, Business Advisory Services, ASA Corporate Catalyst(India) Pvt. Ltd.
Bhav Dhillon, Hon. Consul of India, Auckland
Jay Changlani, Tresurer, INZBC
Moderated by Earl Rattray, Chair, INZBC
This event was supported by High Commission of India, Wellington & Make in India, and co-hosted by Invest India.
Click here to watch the video:
What New Zealand can learn from Australia's free-trade deal with India
The Australia-New Zealand relationship has often been likened to a sibling one, with New Zealand frequently comparing itself to its bigger neighbour. And that’s not to forget friendly rivalries over topics like sport and the origins of pavlova.
This is an opinion piece written by Simon Draper, Executive Director, Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono, published on stuff.co.nz
Australia redefines India ties as NZ drifts clueless
Australia has marched ahead and signed an India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (IndAus ECTA), on Saturday, April 2, while New Zealand continues to drift cluelessly about signing a trade deal with India - one of the leading rising economies of the world.
Growth in Agritech: Invest India
Agricultural technology, hereafter Agritech, is the use of technological innovation in agriculture to increase the quality and yield of the crops thereby rendering efficiency and profitability to the farmers.
The use of modern methods like robots, big data, AI, IoT is being harnessed for multiple applications such as farmer decision support, precise farming, and insurance claims assessment.
In ‘Atmanirbhar’ push, India to make 108 military equipment
In a fresh impetus to its flagship Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, India will soon start indigenous production of 108 military equipment, including complex defence systems.
How did New Zealand's export sector fare in 2021?
New Zealand’s goods trade has, by and large, fared relatively well through the pandemic. On the export side, this has been largely the result of strong performance by our larger commodity exports.
Do read this market intelligence report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade.
Education New Zealand: Information about New Zealand's new border class exception
A new cohort of up to 5,000 international students was announced by the Government on 3 February 2022, as part of a five-step plan to reopen Aotearoa New Zealand's borders.
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