Hurricane Helene has caused massive destruction and havoc throughout the southeast. Much of Aiken, including Hitchcock Woods, has been severely impacted. Due to the extensive storm damage and dangerous conditions for visitors, HITCHCOCK WOODS WILL BE CLOSED INDEFINITELY to all visitors on foot and horseback while our team is working diligently to make the Woods safe for all to enjoy again. Currently, the trails are not accessible to emergency vehicles; if there were to be an accident they could not get to you!
Not only does it take a great deal of time and energy to restore the Woods from this type of disaster, it also takes a great deal of money. Please be on the lookout for our upcoming Annual Fund appeal and consider giving generously to help defray these unexpected expenses as well as assist the Foundation in our continued efforts to provide the highest level of stewardship for this amazing forest and enhance our education and outreach efforts.
Many people have offered to help with clean up, but it is not yet safe to have volunteers working in the Woods. We will send out notification when we re-open.