Vote: City Council Candidates and Proposition Poll
Friends of Austin Neighborhoods (FAN) is polling its members on their preferred city council candidates and proposition in the upcoming City of Austin election:
- Mayor and city council districts 1, 3, 5, 8, and 9.
- Affordable housing facilities and programs bond.
If you are already a FAN member, you should have received a ballot. If you are not a FAN member, you may join (free), and you'll receive a ballot shortly thereafter.
The poll closes Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 6 pm CST.
FAN will publicize the membership's preferred city council candidates and position on the subsidized affordable housing bond after the poll closes. |
City Council Candidate Forums and Resources
Along with AURA, Farm&City, Safe Streets Austin, Rethink35, and Environment Texas, FAN co-hosted a series of "Building an Abundant Austin" city council candidate forums. Thanks to the folks at AURA and Ballot Mueller, you can view the recordings on YouTube:
Mayor City Council District 3 City Council District 5 City Council District 9 City Council District 9 (Part 2)
You can also learn more about the candidates by reading their answers to FAN's city council candidate questionnaire.
Finally, check out our city council candidate contact sheet, which provides comprehensive information on connecting with the candidates via email, phone, social media, and their websites. |
Comment on Zoning and Rezoning Cases
Want to make it possible for more neighbors, and a greater diversity of neighbors, to live in your neighborhood? Want to make it possible for a new corner store or restaurant to locate in walking distance? Are you concerned that a proposed project is built more for cars than for people?
To make it easier for residents to provide comments on zoning and rezoning cases, the City of Austin has created a convenient comment form. Staff reviews all comments, and they become part of the public record.
Bookmark the form: |
Next FAN Board Meeting
Google Meet Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 6:30 pm
At FAN board meetings, the discussion includes such topics as membership updates, brand and communications updates, and neighborhood improvement initiatives.
FAN board meetings are are open to all members of FAN and the public. View minutes of past meetings here.