Welcome back from Winter Break. Have a great spring semester! Headlines for this newsletter: Apply for AR INBRE Summer Research Programs by Feb 3 • AR INBRE personnel change • CBEC microPublication Biology publishing voucher • and a lot more!
2025 Summer Research Fellowships for Undergrad Students |
Looking for a summer research experience? Paid summer research fellowships are available for undergrad students who are rising juniors or seniors. Selected students will work on a project relevant to human health led by a faculty member at either the University of Arkansas, or the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Projects range from laboratory based research to clinical studies using human subjects.
AR INBRE offers two 9-week programs tailored to students with STEM majors (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, mathematics, and related disciplines) who are considering careers in biomedical research. Choose from:
The INBRE Mentored Summer Research Program (MSRP) is designed for undergrads who plan to obtain additional training beyond a baccalaureate degree that includes but is not limited to either graduate school or medical school.Â
The Professional Research Opportunity (PRO) Summer Program is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in biomedical research (e.g. research technologist in a laboratory or core facility) soon after obtaining a baccalaureate degree in a STEM discipline.
Completed applications due by Feb 3
Farewell to Dr. Tom Kelly |
Dr. Tom Kelly, a member of the Administrative Core, has officially retired leaving behind an unwavering commitment to the Arkansas INBRE network. Dr. Kelly’s contribution to the INBRE and UAMS were celebrated in a reception where colleagues and friends shared professional and personal stories marking 32 years as a UAMS faculty member in the Department of Pathology. Tom joined UAMS after completing his PhD at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a post-doc at Georgetown University. In addition to involvement with the Arkansas INBRE, Tom taught UAMS graduate and medical students while pursuing his own research interests in mechanisms of cancer metastasis. Recently, Tom received a new NIH award to support summer medical student research via a program entitled PCAR (Partnerships in Cancer Research), a program that will now be led by Dr. Samantha Kendrick (UAMS) who will be joining the Arkansas INBRE Administrative Core.
In his retirement, Dr. Kelly plans to dedicate time to family, travel, and his longtime fishing passion. His influence will continue to be felt for years to come as the many he mentored carry forward his positive vision and values. Congratulations, Dr. Kelly, on a well-deserved retirement!
Arkansas INBRE presents Dr. Kelly a crystal of appreciation for years of service with members of the Administrative Core, Ms. Caroline Miller-Robinson, Program Manager (left); and Ms. Diane McKinstry, (right), Outreach Program Manager.
Welcome Dr. Samantha Kendrick, new AR INBRE Liaison for PUI Faculty |
Samantha Kendrick, PhD, joins AR INBRE taking over the role of INBRE Liaison for PUI Faculty previously occupied by Dr. Tom Kelly. Kendrick is an associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the UAMS College of Medicine and a member of the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute. Her research interest focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms behind the genomic instability of lymphoma, in particular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, the most commonly diagnosed, aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and discovering new therapeutic strategies to improve patient outcome. Welcome Dr. Kendrick!
microPublication Biology Publishing Voucher
Cell Biology Education Consortium’s (CBEC) new Path to Publication Workflow is live and ready to use. If you are thinking about how to publish your course-based research or research out of your lab, check out CBEC’s resources and microPublication voucher.Â
microPublication Biology charges $250 to publish each article, however, you may request a voucher from CBEC to pay this fee by completing the request a voucher form (voucher recipients must acknowledge CBEC in their manuscript).
For more info about CBEC, their resources, and the voucher program, contact CBEC PI Nathan Reyna, professor of Biology at Ouachita Baptist University, or visit CBEC’s new website.
NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) Application Webinar, Jan 23, 2 pm CT. UGSP is a dedicated program for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research. Program offers scholarships of up to $20,000 per academic year to cover tuition, educational expenses, and reasonable living costs and can be renewed for up to 4 consecutive years. More
L’Oréal USA for Women in Science Fellowship. Program awards five women postdocs annually with grants for their contributions in STEM fields and commitment to serving as role models for younger generations. L’Oréal USA partners with AAAS to manage the program’s application and peer-review process. One-year, $60,000  award. Apply by Feb 14. More/apply
SuRE Resource Center Trainee-Focused Webinars Own Your Interview: Power Moves for Next-Steps Career Advancement (Undegrads/ Post-bacs), Feb 4, 2 pm CT. Your performance during interviews for summer research, post-bac, grad, and professional programs has the power to make or break admission decisions. If you lack interview experience, have difficulty crafting a strong personal narrative, and are still determining what to expect with the interview process, this presentation will help put your best self forward. More
Supercharged Lab Success: Seven Habits of Highly Effective Trainees (Undegrads/ Post-bacs/Grads/Professional Students),March 4, 2 pm CT. As a trainee, balancing coursework and research can be challenging. It's common to struggle with time management, self-motivation, meeting goals, and avoiding burnout, to name a few. You'll learn helpful techniques for integrating positive habits into your daily routine, allowing you to navigate the challenges of laboratory work and achieve personal and professional success. More
NIH Biomedical Research Environment and Sponsored Programs Administration Development (BRE-SPAD) ProgramProgram aims to promote broad participation in biomedical research by supporting Resource-Limited Institutions (RLIs) to conduct research, enhance research environments, and increase sponsored programs administration capacity. Up to $500,000 per year. Apply by Feb 19. More
Office Hours. NIGMS will host a virtual Q&A office hour session for potential applicants who plan to submit applications to BRE-SPAD on Feb 7, 2 to 3 pm, CT.
SuRE Resource Center Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) Seed Grant. The OSP Seed Grant helps SuRE-qualified institutions with a desire to establish or strengthen their research infrastructure. Applications due by Feb 28, 10:59 pm CT. Note: funds cannot be used for faculty research purposes. More
NIAID/NHLBI Innovator to Entrepreneur Program (ITEP) will assist aspiring entrepreneurs by providing cohort-based training covering the key elements of company launch, business strategy development, intellectual property protection, market research and customer discovery, startup financing, and SBIR/STTR grantsmanship at no cost to all participants. Accepting applications now.
Small Business Opportunities for Innovative Women’s Health Research Webinar, Jan 29, 10 am CT. Staff from the NIH Small business Education and Entrepreneurial Development (SEED) Office and other NIH small business programs will provide overviews of their programs and institute- and center-specific interests at the intersection of innovation and women’s health. More
NIGMS Interest in Small Business Applications Focused on the Development of Educational Tools and Technologies for Enhancing Biomedical Entrepreneurship.The purpose of this Notice is to inform small business concerns of NIGMS’s interest in applications from IDeA states to develop educational tools to enhance biomedical entrepreneurship training. NIGMS will give special funding consideration to applications with established feasibility studies of novel tools and tech that apply for further support to: Continue development of tools and tech that educate and train faculty, investigators, postdocs, and/or grad and undergrad students in biomedical entrepreneurship; and Promote the commercialization and scaling of such tools and tech. Apply by April 5. More
SuRE Resource Center NIH SuRE R16 Program Overview Webinar. Want to learn more about the SuRE Program or need a refresher on its funding mechanisms and the available services and support? Join webinar on Jan 21, 2 pm CT. More
NIH Research Enhancement Awards (R15) Program Webinar, Jan 30, 1:30 pm CT. Learn about the two NIH R15 programs, gain insights into the application process and the review criteria, and participate in a live Q&A session with a panel of NIH experts. More
NIH Renewal Grant Applications Webinar,Feb 12, 1 pm CT. Grant coming to an end? Thinking of continuing the project and submitting a renewal application? There are fundamental differences between new and renewal grant applications. More
NIH BRAIN Initiative funding opportunity The NIH Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative: Reagent Resources for Brain Cell Type-Specific Access to Broaden Distribution of Enabling Technologies for Neuroscience (U24) (RF-MH-26-120), is intended to support facilities at Resource-Limited Institutions (RLIs) and IDeA-eligible institutions for scaled production and distribution of brain cell type-specific access reagents. Application Due Dates: Feb 14, 2025; Feb 02, 2026; June 15, 2027.
All Expense Paid Opportunities Voucher Program: For investigators with projects that align with NIH. Apply by Feb 15.
Internship Program: Up to 2 grad students or postdocs, two-week internship during Fall 2025. Apply by April 15.
Jan 20 Arkansas INBRE Program Office closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan 23 3 pm ET, NIH OITE Undergrad Scholarship Prog (UGSP) App Webinar
Jan 24 NIH Res Resource for Human Organs & Tissues (U42)
Jan 26 LOI: NIH NLM Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomed & Health (G13)
Jan 28 4 pm ET, NIH OITE Journaling for Career Dev & Personal Growth: Intentions
Jan 29 2 pm ET, NIH OIR Lecture: Progress in Sickle Cell: Can the Long Biomed Arc Bend Toward Equity?
NIH NIDCD Res Exp and/or Mentoring Networks through Res Ed to Enhance Clin-Sci's Participatn in NIDCD Res (R25)
Jan 31 Pilot NIH Science of Science Scholars Program
Feb 3 Damon Runyon Cancer Res Foundation Clin Investigator AwardÂ
Damon Runyon Cancer Res Foundation Scholars Program for Advancing Res & Knowledge
Feb 5 NIH NIDCR Res Grants for Analyses of Existing Genomics Data (R01)
NIH Res With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) (R01)
Sept 25-27 Southeast Regional IDeA Conf, New Orleans, LA. Hosted by LBRN/ Louisiana INBRE. For all NIGMS IDeA Program participants in AR, KY, LA, MS, PR, SC and WY.
June 14-17 National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBREÂ 2026), Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, MD. For all NIGMS IDeA Programs nationwide.Â
Our newsletter is open to all. Please feel free to forward. Visit our website for links to past issues. Click here to subscribe to our listserv.
Copyright © 2024 Arkansas INBRE, All rights reserved.Questions or more info, contact Cyndy Buckhaults, Media Specialist, cbuckhaults@uams.edu Material in this newsletter is supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health National Institute of General Medical Sciences (5P20GM103429). Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the AR INBRE Program and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NIH.
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 4301 W. Markham Street, Slot 818 Little Rock AR 72205 United States of America