Hey everyone,
I’m sitting here trying to figure out how to kick this one off. I’ll just start with the personal news first and then get into the work stuff after.
Personal: I’m in NYCIn mid-April, I took a flight to NYC to meet with people and talk about work things. Honestly, I’ve felt a bit bored in Australia for a while and got frustrated with the feeling of not being involved in the conversations and opportunities to contribute to the broader culture around technology and design (most of which is being shaped in America and Europe). So, I am here. I’m talking to lots of companies about full-time roles and just generally hanging out with other designers discussing nerdy things. I love that. Last week,
I finished my folio (finally). It’s small, but I think it does a good job of capturing my work life. What do you think? Feedback is very welcome. Will keep you posted.
Work and other thingsOkay, so Apple is going to announce all their new software today, which everyone expects to be mostly about generative AI (which apparently Apple is rebranding as Apple Intelligence - AI, genius).
I went to an AI demo night on Wednesday and saw six companies founded by young people making all kinds of AI applications. Do you want your kids to FaceTime a 3D dragon and have it help them learn some developmental skills? Well, you can now.
I left remembering that we really do just make things. Our species is largely successful because at our core, we are curious beings that like to experiment. Maybe the dragon thing is stupid, maybe it’s the future of education. I have no idea. All I know is people are going to keep making experiments, and some of them will end up changing how we work, communicate, and exist.
If that all sounds scary or exaggerated, remember that it wasn’t so long ago that calling a taxi meant ringing a phone number, waiting in line, giving your address, then waiting at the front door for an unknown amount of time before traveling for an unknown price. Then Uber appears and improves the UX dramatically, and now we can’t imagine going back to anything else.
There are things that will be improved and changed that, right now, we don’t even consider broken or needing improvement. I think that will be the story with AI. Let’s see.
My Links- Interfaces for AI Link
- Our relationship with algorithms Link
Other Links- There is a Celine Dion doco coming out and… goosebumps Link
- How Metro Boomin (accidentally) used AI in the Drake x Kendrick beef Link
- Kaytranada has a new album and everyone loves it Link
- DJ Tennis went to The Lot Radio and it was beautiful Link
- A 2014 Planet Money podcast on the economics of light, from candles to LEDs Link
- The NYT ran a two-page spread on the war in Sudan. Because I visited in 2020, I follow this more closely than other world events. I’m glad it’s getting mainstream coverage, but my god. What’s happening is just beyond comprehension Link
- Fascinating look at how iPhones are water and drop tested Link
TrumpSince being in the US, a lot of friends ask me what the energy is like towards the election. The question is always, “Do you think Trump will win?”
I really don’t know a lot about politics, particularly not a lot about the complex world of American politics. But I am obsessed with people and culture, and I keep an eye on what’s cutting through.
A thought: This country is expert in entertainment. There are 350 million people to keep entertained. I have been blown away by the amount of sport that is happening here. Each NBA team plays three times a week. Plus ice hockey, plus baseball every night. There is never not something on to watch.
And Trump is entertainment. He is ridiculous, but he is funny, and people pay attention in a way that they don’t to Biden. Obviously, we shouldn’t vote for someone based on how funny they are; we should be concerned with their policies and track record of governance. But, to steal an idea from start-up land, “If you don’t know who your customer is, you don’t know what quality is.”
And it’s possible that Trump’s team has really understood that a lot of people here just want to be entertained, and that might be enough to get him reelected.
Trump was found guilty on 34 counts. Within a day, his website was selling
special edition black MAGA caps with embroidered text saying “NEVER SURRENDER,” also claiming he had been “convicted in a witch hunt trial.”
His team moves fast, has a plan, is culturally relevant, and lies nonstop. The Democrats seem to be playing by the rules, but I don’t know if that’s going to work for them. I bloody hope it does, though.
Anyway, I’m going to continue to keep an eye on what his team is doing, even if it is like watching a flaming car drive into a wall that is made of fire.
- Trump dancing Link
- Trump on being electrocuted or being eaten by a shark Link
- Trump with Cheesecake Factory menu Link
Nick x