I am Sorry.
I am sorry for all the human wrongs and the apathy,
I am sorry our earth became your hell and a place of agony,
I am sorry that you had only known a world of misery.
I am sorry for your life sentence in tiny dirty cages,
I am sorry for your merciless slayers of the dark ages.
I am sorry for the hurt, the loss, the torment and the greed,
I am sorry you had been scared, beaten, ripped apart and broken.
I am sorry you had never known any form of human kindness,
I am sorry for the love you had never felt, and for the distress.
I am sorry for your isolation, sadness and shattered families,
I am sorry I belong to the most inhumane and destructive species.
I am sorry for your pain and suffering, for the callous silence,
I am sorry for the arrogance, ignorance and for the heinous vanity.
I am sorry for all your stolen coats turned into bloody money.
I am so sorry for your brutal slaughter, violent death and war cry,
I am so sorry I failed to protect you, but I never failed to always try,
I never failed to be your witness and your voice in the darkness.
I’ll never fail to be a ‘Rebel WITH a cause’. A warrior,
And your forever selfless, love soldier.
With love & Hope, Jane Halevy- Moreno